A Sense of Humor – Pink Flamingo Garden Statue

Having your own garden can be something that makes you very happy. Whether you are working tirelessly trying to make sure that your bulbs are happy and ready to bloom, or you are working on some thing like a fruit tree and working to get those delicious apples to make a homemade pie, there are so many reasons to love a garden. A garden is so much more than just a plot with some pretty flowers arranged nicely. A garden is a way for us to express ourselves. They are a way to make it so that you can have something to look forward to when you look out the window. These days, people are so dependent on screens. Whether it is your double monitors that you can look at everything you can for work or juts watching TV during work, or you are on your phone, or even just pumping gas, screens are everywhere whether we like it or not. They can be doling out ads for the latest and greatest cool new things, or they can be things that we love like words of affirmation or scenes from our favorite TV shows and movies. Whatever the case, screens are the easiest way to get someone’s attention and keep it for a long period of time versus a poster or a paper taped to a window. Lots of people love gardens not just because they are beautiful, but because they are a great way to indulge our eyes on something fresh, new, and real. Gardens are not just a treat for the eyes, they are a way to enrich our mental health and make us feel happier, more calm, and more at peace. Whether you are decorating your garden with fairy lights or a pink flamingo garden statue, gardens are a long time tradition of flexing your gardening muscles, or that you can have a beautiful garden on hand.

Some people love to garden themselves, although it is not easy. There is so much to gardening that takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. There are people that spend years trying to work on their gardening skills until they get it just right.

A pink flamingo garden status is not weird, not unless it makes you smile.