Why Maple Cutting Boards Belong to Your Kitchen

Whether you’re a professional chef or simply trying to make an elaborate salad at home, having a sturdy and reliable cutting surface is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, there are a variety of cutting boards options to choose from. Wood, plastic, and composite all come with their unique advantages. Therefore, it can get a little tricky to narrow down the best one for you. However, one option has always been slightly more popular than others — maple cutting board.

When it comes to wooden cutting boards, there are many varieties, including walnut, pecan, cherry, teak, etc. Yet, maple cutting boards are the ones that sell the most – and for a good reason. The wood obtained from this native tree species is used to create a hard work surface in the kitchen. Not only is it reliable and sturdy, but it is also a renewable source, making it a better option for the environment as well. Additionally, maple is approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to be safe for commercial use. All types of maple woods are a safe option for preventing and controlling the growth of bacteria around food. While it may seem counter-intuitive to pick a wooden surface over a plastic one, considering that the former cannot be heat sterilized, the science surrounding both products says otherwise. Wooden boards use capillary action to absorb bad bacteria causing bugs from the pores of the cutting surface. As soon as the bug is trapped, its oxygen is cut off, and it suffocates to death. The self-healing properties of wood overcome the need to heat sterilize it. When properly cleaned and cared for, a maple cutting board is arguably the best option for a cutting surface.

At Noble Bear Furniture and Home Décor, we have a wide variety of maple cutting boards to pick from. Not only are these boards strong, sturdy, and reliable, but they are also designed to last long. This means that once you invest in one of our cutting boards, you won’t have to buy one again for a long period. The cherry on the top is that maple wood is naturally beautiful, and My Noble Bear makes sure to encapsulate that beauty in our cutting boards. So, in addition to getting a sturdy board, you get one that would add character to the interior of your kitchen. Don’t waste any more time, and choose a maple cutting board for your kitchen today.