Benefits of a Coffee Table

A coffee table serves plenty of purposes. It’s the star in your lounge and parlor, the perfect spot for placing the book you are reading, a fireplace companions and a great addition to your room if you want a small seating corner. In short ― a coffee table is much more than just a surface for placing your glass of wine or your feet. Yes, it’s the prefect height and you will be tempted to do the latter. It also happens to be an anchor for sofas, armchairs and ottomans. As the most important of furniture, you need to make sure that it either makes a statement of its own or is dressed to the nines. Sometimes, a blotter and a pen or books don’t exactly create the right look suitable for a coffee table. You can always go with flowers but what if the table has a unique design?

A cypress tree coffee table is exactly designed as its namesake. The simple glass top is the base of the table but what makes it standout is the cypress underneath it. The branches are fanned out in the same manner as cypress trees that are found in the wild, expect this one is a miniature replica. To give the table a little boost so that it matches the décor of the room it is placed in, follow a theme with the items you place on it. For a rustic look, pick chrome colored knick knacks that reflect your personality. For a classy look, a check tray with matching bowls on it will balance the overall décor. You can always create an artful arrangement with things that you normally use. You can also place geometric sculptures on the table for a modern and elegant look.

Balance is one the essential components that should focus on when decorating a coffee table. If you want to keep things simple, then create symmetry and harmony using multiple décor items. The key is to make one item the center of attention and then balance it with small and round or square objects. You can place multiple cypress tree coffee tables on both sides of a 3-seater sofa. To create harmony in this seating area, place lamps or decorative bowls on top of the table. Make sure that they have a simple design so that the top decor doesn’t take the attention away from your cypress tree table.