Make a Statement With Unique handmade Side Tables

Hello and thanks for stopping by. Since you’re here, you’re likely looking for something that stands out for your home. Whether it’s your foyer, den or living room, finding the right piece can be tough. That’s why the work has been done for you. Here we will talk about some of the unique and amazing creations found. Let’s help you make a statement with unique handmade side tables. If you’re looking for something outside, there are lots of options. One that comes to mind is a bear end table. It features a wooden base that has 3 tree branches rising from the ground to hold a spacious presenting table. It really takes the honey by having a cute bear cub peering over the side, trying to get the delicious snacks you’ll be sure to have while lounging in your yard. This handmade side table would still look great inside the house, you just may not want to have a bear inside with you.

If bears aren’t your thing and you want something a little more menacing, there’s an octopus beverage tub with an octopus below the tub, perfectly balancing your delicious beverages. The octopus isn’t just impressively handmade, it can also be used as a base for a glass table, if holding drinks isn’t something you need. Like the bear cub table, this looks fantastic outside but doubles as a side table that you can have in doors. It looks perfect in a den as a side table.

If you’re looking for something to match a theme, like the west, rustic or simply free, imagine three galloping horses lunging outward towards freedom. The glass table sitting silently atop the noble and free spirited horses. While we’re talking about freedom, imagine 4 delicate branches emerging from the seafloor, or your living room, and making a perch for the glass table above. Swimming within the branches is a small pod of dolphins as they chase several exotic fish. Even more unique is the surfacing dolphin end table that features the strength of a dolphin surfacing through the glass table. The snout and eyes and most of her head protrudes as if to say hello and invite you to join them in their great sea adventure. Please take the time to follow the link within this post, it will take you to see many of these tables described and even more. You’ll find that these words do not do them justice. Enjoy and check back soon.